Sebastian enjoying a front row view of the Vibration Test.
Jose and Sebastian went to Bremen last week for Integration Week and EAR (Experiment Acceptance Review) with ZARM/DLR. They had a busy week preparing for Vibration and Shock testing, Experiment Timeline tests, and Communications tests. Despite a few small hiccups, all tests passed successfully and they left Bremen with an Unconditional Pass!
Below are some pics and videos of the event.
Pepe, our FFU, (nearly) completely assembled.
Setting up for Vibration Test.
Inside the FFU after vibration testing.
Another look inside Pepe.
Looking good!
Pepe survived all tests with no issues. Pepe is tough.
Videos of Experiment Timeline Test (Ejection & Parachute Deployment)
The research of TUPEX-7 project advisor Sebastian Grau has yielded design guidelines for Highly-Integrated Side Panels (HISPs) incorporating components comprising the ADCS, […]