The research of TUPEX-7 project advisor Sebastian Grau has yielded design guidelines for Highly-Integrated Side Panels (HISPs) incorporating components comprising the ADCS, the Communications System (COMMS), the Electric Power System (EPS), and the Structures and Mechanisms Subsystem (SMS). A HISP can contain solar cells, radio antennae, sun sensors, gyroscopes, magnetometers, […]
2 posts
TUPEX-7 is a student experiment developed at TU Berlin and scheduled to fly on the 28th REXUS sounding rocket in March 2020 as part of the German-Swedish Rocket/Balloon Experiments for University Students (REXUS/BEXUS) program. The aim of TUPEX-7 is to develop miniaturized space technologies for a 1U CubeSat bus and […]