The BOS.QT study program is beside the BOS.QT research program part of the Graduate School. All BOS.QT-students are requested to actively participate in the lectures and activities offered by BOS.QT. The study program consists of the compulsory monthly PhD-Seminar and additional activities from areas 1 to 4 (1 Fundamental courses, 2 PhD Compact Courses, 3 Advanced Lectures, 4 Transferable Skills ). Chosen additional activities required for the certificate need to cover at least two of the elective areas 1 to 4 within three years, i.e. during the BOS.QT membership.
Current program (click on the button):
The lecture link gives you also the information on which date the first lecture takes place.

Auditing PhD students affiliated with a different university (TUB, HUB or FUB):
First of all you should contact the lecturer and ask, if it is enough to register at the lecturer’s site or whether you have to enrol via the different paths described below.
Attending courses at TU Berlin: If you are enrolled at another university in Germany, EU, Island, Liechtenstein or Norway, you can attend individual courses at TU Berlin and take exams as a visiting student (Nebenhörerschaft).
Attending courses at HU Berlin: As a visiting student or Nebenhörer*in you are supposed to be a student enrolled at another higher education institution. The number of classes you take at Humboldt should not exceed six weekly hours per semester. You may obtain achievement certificates and credit points. If the examiners agree you may take exams within the continuous assessment scheme. But you may not legally claim to be examined. Further information as a visiting student (Nebenhörerschaft) at HU Berlin can be find here.
Attending courses at FU Berlin: Students from other higher education institutions who wish to attend individual courses (not more than six hours a week per semester or one module) at Freie Universität Berlin may – upon request and with the approval of the course instructor – register as auditors (Nebenhörer/Nebenhörerin status). Auditing students from other universities are not considered members/students of Freie Universität Berlin, therefore they do not receive a student ID card or can apply for a student visa. In order to have acces to study-relevant systems, e.g. Blackboard, an application must be submitted to the Student Records an Registration Office. Then you will receive a letter about your account. The approval of the course instructor must be obtained by the student. Please also include an enrollment certificate of your home university.
Regular selection of course catalogs of universities involved:
Physics at Technische Universität Berlin , Physics at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin , Physics at Freie Universität Berlin
In case of difficulties to get access to a certain lecture of interest please contact the lecturer.
General information to the structured PhD program
Research in the BOS.QT is focused on key topics of optical sciences and quantum technologies with strong links to applications.
The main research areas are:
- Nonlinear light-matter interactions and ultrafast dynamics: nonlinear elementary excitations of matter up to the nonperturbative regime, nonlinear charge transport, quantum coherences and optical control, atto- and femtosecond processes and spectroscopy, ultrafast structure research with x-rays.
- Quantum optics and quantum devices: ultracold quantum gases, fluctuation-induced phenomena, precision experiments on fundamental physical quantities, single photon sources, heterogene quantum systems, quantum communication and quantum networks
- Nanophotonics and photonic systems: nanophotonics, nanoprobes and nanoplasmonics, 2D-quantum materials, hybrid systems, microresonators and photonic crystals, topological photonics, optoelectronic devices and photonic systems
- Light sources and detector technologies: Lasers and light sources in a range from terahertz to hard x-rays, advanced detector technologies including components for space experiments, FT-signal analysis, x-ray imaging
During the BOS.QT membership, PhD students will participate in the PhD student seminar and shall select additional activities from the different elective areas 1 to 4. It is recommended that the chosen activities cover at least two of the elective areas 1 to 4.
Compulsory Element: PhD Student Seminar
1. Fundamental Courses (elective element)
- Fundamentals in Optical Sciences
- Fundamentals in Quantum Technology
2. PhD Compact Courses (elective element)
Examples (1 day to 1 week courses to teach methods and practical exercises):
- Ultrashort spectroscopy
- Processing/characterization
- Computational photonics
- Practical electronics
- Labview and other software tools
3. Advanced Lectures (elective element)
Topics from the BOS.QT research areas are:
- Nonlinear light-matter interactions and ultrafast dynamics
- Quantum optics and quantum devices
- Nanophotonics and photonic systems
- Light sources and detector technologies
4. Soft skill courses and activities self-organized by PhD students (elective element)
e.g.: retreats, project management, leadership/conflict management, presentation skills, entrepreneurship and start-up activities, intercultural training, networking events, topical research seminars, conference and summer school participation and organisation, short term scientific missions to leading international partner institutes, an annual “BOS.QT Day”