Terahertz-wave decoding of femtosecond extreme-ultraviolet light pulses
I. Ilyakov, N. Agarwal, J.-C. Deinert, J. Liu, A. Yaroslavtsev, L. Foglia, G. Kurdi, R. Mincigrucci, E. Principi, G. Jakob, M. Kläui, T. S. Seifert, T. Kampfrath, S. Kovalev, R. E. Carley, A. O. Scherz, and M. Gensch. Optica 9, 545 (2022)

Wading through the void: Exploring quantum friction and nonequilibrium fluctuations
D. Reiche, F. Intravaia, K. Busch. APL Photonics 7 (2022) 030902

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Direct observation of the particle exchange phase of photons
Konrad Tschernig, Chris Müller, Malte Smoor, Tim Kroh, Janik Wolters, Oliver Benson, Kurt Busch, Armando Pérez-Leija. Nature Photonics, 1-5 (2021)

Topological protection versus degree of entanglement of two-photon light in photonic topological insulators
K. Tschernig, A, Jimenez-Galan, D.N. Christodoulides, M. Ivanov, K. Busch, M.A. Bandres, and A. Perez-Leija. Nature Communications 12, Article number: 1974 (2021)

Volt-per-Ångstrom terahertz fields from X-ray free-electron lasers
Tanikawa, T.; Karabekyan, S.; Kovalev, S.; Casalbuoni, S.; Asgekar, V.; Bonetti, S.; Wall, S.; Laarmann, T.; Turchinovich, D.; Zalden, P.; Kampfrath, Tobias; Fisher, A. S.; Stojanovic, N.; Gensch, M.; Geloni, G.. J. Synchrotron Rad. 27, 796-798 (2020)

An efficient, tunable, and robust source of narrow-band photon pairs at the 87Rb D1 lineay free-electron lasers
Roberto Mottola, Gianni Buser, Chris Müller, Tim Kroh, Andreas Ahlrichs, Sven Ramelow, Oliver Benson, Philipp Treutlein, and Janik Wolters. Optics Express Vol. 28, Issue 3, pp. 3159-3170 (2020)

Quantization of Quasinormal Modes for Open Cavities and Plasmonic Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Sebastian Franke, Stephen Hughes, Mohsen Kamandar Dezfouli, Philip Trøst Kristensen, Kurt Busch, Andreas Knorr, and Marten Richter. Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 213901 – Published 29 May 2019.

Slow and fast single photons from a quantum dot interacting with the excited state hyperfine structure of the Cesium D1-line
Kroh, Tim and Wolters, Janik and Ahlrichs, Andreas and Schell, Andreas W. and Thoma, Alexander and Reitzenstein, Stephan and Wildmann, Johannes S. and Zallo, Eugenio and Trotta, Rinaldo and Rastelli, Armando and Schmidt, Oliver G. and Benson, Oliver. Scientific Reports volume 9, Article number: 13728 (2019)