BOS.QT – Retreat, 15 -18 July, 2024
In the midst of the beautiful nature of the Mecklenburg Lake District we welcomed our doctoral students, faculty and distinguished guests for BOS.QT’s first summer retreat.
Thanks to the cross-university initiative Berlin Quantum, funded by the city of Berlin with EUR 25 Mio. from the Innovation Promotion Fund, the Berlin School of Optical Sciences and Quantum Technologies (BOS.QT) received further funding to support all activities of the graduate school.
Therefore, a topical focus on the program of the retreat lied on quantum technologies. Besides the valuable contributions of our faculty, we were particularly pleased to welcome renowned scientists for guest lectures. The external speakers were: Prof. Dieter Meschede from the University of Bonn, Prof. Nahid Talebi from Kiel University, Prof. Sven Höfling from the University of Würzburg, Dr. Daniel Brunner from the FEMTO-ST institute, Prof. Giovanna Morigi from Saarland University, Prof. Elena del Valle from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Prof. Jean-Jaques Greffet from the Université Paris-Saclay.
To complement our program and at the request of our doctoral students, we invited Shaeema Zaman and her team from Science Melting Pot for a workshop on accompanied by an impressive theatrical performance.

© Jacek Ruta