We, the TUPEX-6 team, welcome you wholeheartedly on our website.
The mission goal of TUPEX-6 is to demonstrate the capabilities of a novel attitude control system for picosatellites. It allows for high payload volume, while providing precise pointing ability.
The TUPEX-6 team is a crowd of space fascinated students from all over the world. Bachelor and master students from Technische Universität Berlin join efforts, to have a successful experiment.
The REXUS/BEXUS-program chooses up to 20 student projects each year, to be launched on-board either a sounding rocket or a high altitude balloon. We are happy to take part.
All the latest updates about TUPEX-6 can be found on our Twitter, but in case you prefer more detailed news, check out our news page. Followed up with a visit at our gallery.