Rhetoric and Voice Training Part 1

TU Berlin

by Franziska Trauselt, Professor for Speech Training, Dept. of Acting, at Hochschule für Schauspielkunst "Ernst Busch" Preliminary discussion: Monday, June 13, 2022 Heinrich Hertz Institute following the PhD seminar

Rhetoric and Voice Training Part 2

TU Berlin

by Franziska Trauselt, Professor for Speech Training, Dept. of Acting, at Hochschule für Schauspielkunst "Ernst Busch" Preliminary discussion: Monday, June 13, 2022 Heinrich Hertz Institute following the PhD seminar

Berlin Science Week

The second quantum revolution: What exactly will quantum computers be used for and how might they look like? Lecture Jens Eisert (in German) | FU Berlin | Nov 10, 2022 | 14.00 - 15.00 Berlin Time  

PhD seminar

Working Group of Prof. André Eckardt

PhD seminar

Working Group of Prof. Hübers.

PhD seminar

Working Group of Prof. Gensch

PhD seminar

Working Group of Prof. Bolotin

BOS.QT Day 2023

More information will follow shortly.